Obama Campaign - "If I Wanted America To Fail"

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Daily Devotions


If you support our national security issues, you may love and appreciate the United States of America, our Constitution with its’ freedoms, and our American flag.

If you support and practice our fiscal issues, you may value worldly possessions.

If you support and value our social issues, you may love Judeo-Christian values.

If you support and practice all these values, that is all good; an insignia of “Wisdom” . - Oscar Y. Harward

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

President gives India 20% of our vote on the UN Security Council

By Oscar Y. Harward

Here we go again. There was little mention in the main-stream media as President Obama endorsed his support to offer India a permanent seat on the United Nations Security Council. Currently, five (5) nations make up the UN Security Council, either one of whom alone are allowed to veto any and all legislation. These five nations for individual veto powers are China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

By adding India to the Security Council, this will give six (6) nations who may be allowed to veto any legislation. India is a great nation. What is significant with Obama’s proposal is the President is being so charitable to give away 20% of America’s voting rights. Adding India to the Security Council gives India an additional vote to veto American freedoms as we offer other nations of the world. What is the purpose for adding India to the Security Council? If you want an additional member of the Security Council, why not add America’s very best ally in the Middle East, Israel? Why should Obama not consider a trading ally in Germany, Japan, Canada, and/or many other allies? What has India offered America or the free world for the nation of India to deserve a seat on the UN Security Council?

President Obama says his visit is for trade and democracy. Well, well! Maybe, I am just confused. President Obama is proposing more economic trade with India. India is already one of the leading nations of the world in nuclear energy and the Internet assistance and their other supporting services. India is already a trading partner with America and practices a parliamentary system of government. Americans are in greater need of jobs and tax relief than offering more aid to other prosperous nations. With a crippling US economy, and adding aid to India, could be comparable to asking American taxpayers to bail-out California, the wealthiest state of the entire United States.

While I support an open and free world economy, it was my opinion that Obama and the Capitol Hill Democrats would consider Obama’s trade to India as an effort of exporting more American jobs. On this trip to India and Asia, Obama promises more American jobs. Mr. President, what, where, how, and when are these American jobs coming to America as you promise?

Obama’s trip to India and Asia was merely another far-away vacation with the family. With America in a deep recession or perhaps a depression, again President Obama is spending taxpayers’ money as a child would do likewise in a candy store. This useless expenditure of taxpayers’ money is costing America $1 billion, and it appears Obama does not even care. Am I missing something? Where am I wrong? It is my belief this speech is an effort by President Obama to substantiate a $1billion vacation at taxpayers’ expense while America is in recession, or perhaps, a depression. Obama still does not get it.

President Obama is illustrating that his education and short political experience does not show any specialized abilities for him to serve as a responsible Commander-in-Chief. Where are the leading Democrats on this issue? Do they care?

Again, am I missing something? It is my belief that this speech in New Delhi, India is an effort by President Obama to substantiate a $1billion vacation at taxpayers’ expense while our American economy is in recession, or perhaps, a depression. Obama just still does not get it.

Wake up Obama. America is awake and Americans are not stupid. Do not try to cover your misuses for other personal intentions. Do not give any American freedoms to India or to any other nations. Extended freedoms are to be shared with our closest fiscal, social, and military allies.

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