Obama Campaign - "If I Wanted America To Fail"

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Daily Devotions


If you support our national security issues, you may love and appreciate the United States of America, our Constitution with its’ freedoms, and our American flag.

If you support and practice our fiscal issues, you may value worldly possessions.

If you support and value our social issues, you may love Judeo-Christian values.

If you support and practice all these values, that is all good; an insignia of “Wisdom” . - Oscar Y. Harward

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Where and how other 2016 GOP candidates and the ‘Main-stream’ Medias mislead the American electorate

2016 Republican Party candidate, Ted Cruz is the best candidate ‘ever’ who is more knowledgeable, skilled, ready, electable, and determined to restore our Constitutional freedoms based on Judeo-Christian values, our USA. – Oscar Y. Harward

“Ted Cruz loved the Constitution and debating since high school. He spent a lot of time on debating teams and actually made small amounts of money speaking at places like the VFW and American Legion which he saved an applied to college.”

“Ted Cruz worked his way through college; Princeton and Harvard and specialized in constitutional law. He finished at the top of his class, was considered one of the most brilliant students and as such, was selected to clerk for the Chief Justice William Rehnquist of the Supreme Court. This is an honor that only goes to the very best and brightest and immerse you in constitutional law.”


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