Obama Campaign - "If I Wanted America To Fail"

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Daily Devotions


If you support our national security issues, you may love and appreciate the United States of America, our Constitution with its’ freedoms, and our American flag.

If you support and practice our fiscal issues, you may value worldly possessions.

If you support and value our social issues, you may love Judeo-Christian values.

If you support and practice all these values, that is all good; an insignia of “Wisdom” . - Oscar Y. Harward

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Sen. Lindsey Graham: A Liberal Wrapped In Conservative Clothing

Sen. Lindsey Graham assures voters he is a conservative. His speech is misleading with his smooth words.

When Obama needed a Republican vote in the Senate Judiciary to advance SCOTUS nominee Sonia Sotomayor onto the floor of the US Senate, ‘Flimsy’ Graham voted with Obama, and against the GOP Judiciary Senators. http://www.cnn.com/2009/POLITICS/07/28/sotomayor.panel.vote/index.html

Further, ‘Flimsy’ Graham votes to confirm Sonia Sotomayor, and against the majority of GOP Senators and the GOP Platform. http://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_lists/roll_call_vote_cfm.cfm?congress=111&session=1&vote=00262

As ‘illegal immigration’ is the issue, President Obama works with ‘Flimsy’ Graham for a vote for ‘amnesty’. While a majority of South Carolinians oppose ‘illegal immigrants’, ‘Flimsy’ Graham works against South Carolinians and with Obama. He works against the GOP Senators and the GOP Platform. http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2010/apr/27/gops-graham-no-immigration-bill-until-2012/

When Obama needed a Republican vote in the Senate Judiciary to advance SCOTUS nominee Elena Kagan onto the floor of the US Senate, ‘Flimsy’ Graham voted with Obama, and against the GOP Judiciary Senators. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/07/20/AR2010072000559.html

South Carolinians support ‘life’. Both of President Obama’s SCOTUS nominees support ‘abortion’. Obama’s polls are deteriorating. As you and I become upset over Graham’s voting issue for ‘abortion’, keep in mind ‘Flimsy’ Graham supported both ‘pro-abortion’ nominees with Obama, and against the majority of GOP Senators for ‘lifetime appointments’ to the US Supreme Court.

Replacing one retiring ‘pro-abortion’ justice with another ‘pro-abortion’ nominee is not, and should not be the issue at all. There are only nine at any one time on the ‘Bench’. America must hold each and every ‘Justice’ chair as ‘honored’ for Holy truthfulness.

Oscar Y. Harward

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