Obama Campaign - "If I Wanted America To Fail"

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Daily Devotions


If you support our national security issues, you may love and appreciate the United States of America, our Constitution with its’ freedoms, and our American flag.

If you support and practice our fiscal issues, you may value worldly possessions.

If you support and value our social issues, you may love Judeo-Christian values.

If you support and practice all these values, that is all good; an insignia of “Wisdom” . - Oscar Y. Harward

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

ConservativeChristianRepublican-Report - 20091118


Promoting "God's Holy Values and American Freedoms"!

"Daily Motivations"

"All of us tend to put off living. We are all dreaming of some magical rose garden over the horizon - instead of enjoying the roses that are blooming outside our windows today." -- Dale Carnegie

Building understanding, support and acceptance begins with earning trust. -- David Cottrell

"Daily Devotions" (KJV and/or NLT)

"I, the Lord, have called you to demonstrate My righteousness. I will take you by the hand and guard you." (Isaiah 42:6)

A father and his young son walk through their backyard after a great snowstorm. The boy, new to snow and fairly new to walking, uncertainly grips one of his father's fingers. Still, he slips, he slides, and down he goes. Plunk!

They both laugh. Dad helps him up, dusts off the snow, and again his son takes his hand---this time with a tighter grip. Even so, it's not long before his feet go up, his bottom goes down, and he lands once more in a pile of snow. The little boy looks up at his father and says, "Daddy, I tried holding your hand, but if you hold mine, I know I'll never fall."

The little boy had a grasp on something more than his father's fingers. He realized where his strength was found, in his father's strength. Many of us feel we have a tentative grasp of God's firm hand---but we are too weak to hang on. We need to recognize that the key to becoming righteous is learning to depend on God's strength, not our own. Greater self-effort and determination will never liberate you. Shifting your focus will.

"The Patriot Post"

"What is it that affectionate parents require of their Children; for all their care, anxiety, and toil on their accounts? Only that they would be wise and virtuous, Benevolent and kind." -- Abigail Adams, letter to John Quincy Adams, 1783

"It is the duty of parents to maintain their children decently, and according to their circumstances; to protect them according to the dictates of prudence; and to educate them according to the suggestions of a judicious and zealous regard for their usefulness, their respectability and happiness." -- James Wilson, Lectures on Law, 1791


"Quick: when I say 'Matthew Shepard,' what do you think? A man killed because he was gay? Or just some poor sap in the wrong place at the wrong time? More on that in a minute. Hate crime legislation aimed at making it a federal crime to assault someone for being a homosexual passed the House last week, and could be on its way to becoming law. It sounds great, doesn't it? Who wouldn't be against a law that would prosecute someone for targeting another person based on bigotry and bias? What could be wrong with this scenario? Plenty. I'm all for prosecuting criminals for their acts, especially violent criminals. I'm pro-death penalty, if truth be told. I figure that if you deliberately take someone else's life, you should pay by forfeiting yours. Not very PC of me, but there you have it. However, it bothers me that individuals may soon be prosecuted for not just the crime, but the 'behind the scenes' thoughts that may have contributed to that crime. ... When we begin to prosecute for the thoughts behind the crime, we open a very wiggly can of worms that can't be shut again. ... Thanks to the pop culture myth that helped perpetrate the false reason for Matthew Shepard's senseless death, we could now all be facing regulations that resemble '1984' more than they do 'Land of the Free.' Is this really the direction in which we want to head?" -- columnist Pam Meister

The Gipper

"Our party must be the party of the individual. It must not sell out the individual to cater to the group. No greater challenge faces our society today than ensuring that each one of us can maintain his dignity and his identity in an increasingly complex, centralized society. Extreme taxation, excessive controls, oppressive government competition with business ... frustrated minorities and forgotten Americans are not the products of free enterprise. They are the residue of centralized bureaucracy, of government by a self-anointed elite. Our party must be based on the kind of leadership that grows and takes its strength from the people. Any organization is in actuality only the lengthened shadow of its members. A political party is a mechanical structure created to further a cause. The cause, not the mechanism, brings and holds the members together. And our cause must be to rediscover, reassert and reapply America's spiritual heritage to our national affairs. Then with God's help we shall indeed be as a city upon a hill with the eyes of all people upon us." -- Ronald Reagan

Opinion in Brief

"President Obama keeps roaring out deadlines like a lion -- only later to meow like a little kitty. Remember, for example, how he bellowed to cheering partisan crowds that he would close down the detainment facility at Guantanamo within a year? The clock ticks -- and Guantanamo isn't close to being shut down. It once was easy for candidate Obama to deplore George W. Bush's supposed gulag. Now it proves harder to decide between the bad choice of detaining non-uniformed terrorist combatants and the worse ones of letting them go, giving them civilian trials or deporting them to unwilling hosts. Going back further to September 2007, candidate Obama postured about Iraq that he wanted 'to immediately begin to remove our combat troops. Not in six months or one year -- now!' That 'now!' sure sounded macho. On Iraq, candidate Obama also railed that 'the American people have had enough of the shifting spin. We've had enough of extended deadlines for benchmarks that go unmet.' Talk about 'unmet' deadlines and 'spin'-- here we are in October 2009, and there are still 120,000 U.S. troops in Iraq. The reason why Obama fudged on his promised deadline is that the surge in 2007 worked. American deaths plummeted. The theater is quiet. Iraqi democracy is still there after six years. Obama cannot quite admit these facts, but on the other hand he does not want to be responsible for undermining them. ... The list of what a melodramatic Obama threatens or promises to do and what he actually does is endless." -- Hoover Institution historian Victor Davis Hanson

The Last Word

"Back when I was a kid, the two major fears in America revolved around polio and Communism. Because the first disease was so prevalent and so often fatal prior to the miraculous cures wrought by Dr. Albert Sabin and Dr. Jonas Salk, neither of whom managed to garner a Nobel Prize for their heroic efforts, children were kept out of public swimming pools and were discouraged from having too much physical activity. It's a wonder that our entire generation didn't grow up to be hypochondriacs because if you were even slightly fatigued or had an aching back or a stiff neck, anguished parents started measuring you for an iron lung. The second disease, Communism, created its own form of hysteria. During the late 40s and early 50s, we had A-bomb drills in public schools. We grammar school kids were led to believe that in case the Russians hit L.A. with an atomic bomb, we would be safe so long as we dropped to the floor and huddled beneath our desks with our hands clasped tightly behind our necks. As everyone knows, there's nothing better than tiny hands to ward off the effects of atomic radiation. To this day, I wonder who came up with that particular brainstorm. On the off-chance that the Russkies elected not to vaporize us, a lot of people were convinced that the plan to prevent tooth decay by introducing fluoride into our reservoirs was a Commie plot. The fluoride, we were warned, would turn our brains to mush and make us easy prey for the Soviet Menace. It's taken about 60 years, but I am now convinced that the scaremongers were right. How else to explain American liberals except by accepting that the Commies contaminated our water supply?" -- columnist Burt Prelutsky

"The Web"

Looks as though the President forgot something...again


Obama Admits He Is A Muslim


The reality of abortion - YouTube-style

Charlie Butts - OneNewsNow


Charlie Butts - OneNewsNow

A video describing a first-trimester abortion -- produced by Priests for Life and published on YouTube -- has reached a milestone.

The YouTube video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QBOAPleF1t0 has been viewed more than a million times. Spokeswoman Janet Morana tells OneNewsNow that Father Frank Pavone of Priests for Life plays host as he describes in direct but delicate terms just exactly what happens during an abortion.

Using a fetal model and actual tools of abortion, Pavone says "this instrument I have in my hands was actually used to kill babies in the way that I'm about to describe" -- adding that "this is the gruesome reality of what abortion is."

Morana says the frequency of the viewing of the three-minute video makes her group hopeful -- because the problem in society, she feels, is that the words "abortion" and "choice" have lost their meaning and people are not sure about what happens during an abortion.

"And so by people viewing this first-trimester [abortion] description...along with seeing those little fetal models -- that this is the size of the baby that's actually being ripped apart in this procedure -- I think it's heightening the awareness [to the point where people understand] this really is a well-formed child, even in the first trimester," she says.

Education, she adds, is one of the keys in the pro-life movement. "We have testimonies on our website of people who have seen this YouTube [video], who have seen the other graphic images and the procedures that we have available on the Priests for Life website...and we have testimonies that people have been converted."

Morana encourages people who encounter others who claim to be pro-abortion or "pro-choice" to motivate them to see the video.Saint

Theresa's Prayer

May today there be peace within.

May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be.

May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith.

May you use those gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you.

May you be content knowing you are a child of God.

Let this presence settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love.

It is there for each and every one of us.


GOP Senator supports leftist judge nominee

Associated Press


WASHINGTON (AP) - Some congressional Republicans are threatening a filibuster to block confirmation of a federal appeals court nominee because of his religious rulings. But they won't get the support of Indiana GOP Senator, Richard Lugar.

In 2005, Judge David Hamilton ruled that the Indiana House of Representatives could not open its sessions with prayers that mentioned Jesus Christ or used terms like "savior."

Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions noted that Hamilton was willing, however, to allow a Muslim cleric to offer invocations that mention Allah.

But fellow Republican Richard Lugar of Indiana, who supports Hamilton, said the judge was simply allowing use of the Arabic word for God in non-sectarian invocations.

Sessions noted that Judge Hamilton also prohibited placement of a menorah in a public building.

A key vote on Hamilton's nomination to a federal appeals court is expected today.

A number of pro-family groups have spoken out against Hamilton.

Along with concerns about the prayer issue, they point out that he has been a vice-president of the Indiana chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union and has been a fundraiser for the controversial ACORN group.

Republicans’ Efforts to Keep 9/11 Terrorists Off U.S. Soil Rejected by Democrats

By Penny Starr, Senior Staff Writer


(CNSNews.com) – In anticipation of

Rep. John Shadegg (R-Ariz.) introduced legislation early in the year that would have prohibited the transfer of Guantanamo Bay terror suspects to be transferred to the United States. (CNSNews.com/Penny Starr)

(CNSNews.com) – In anticipation of the Obama administration’s move to close down Guantanamo Bay, House Republicans introduced legislation that would have prevented Gitmo detainees from being brought to the United States. But the Democrats, who have a majority in Congress, did not allow the legislation to move out of committee.

On Friday, Attorney General Eric Holder announced plans to bring the confessed 9/11 mastermind, Khalid Sheik Mohammed, and four other terror suspects to New York to be tried in U.S. federal court.

“My bill was an attempt to try to take a shot across the bow of the administration,” Rep. John Shadegg (R-Ariz.) told CNSNews.com about the introduction of HR 1238 back in February. The bill would have prohibited “the presence in the United States of any alien formerly detained at the Department of Defense detention facility at Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba,” the legislation states.

“I believe it is a grave error to bring them to the United States,” Shadegg said. “They are, in fact, not criminals under domestic law in the United States.”

“They are, in fact, terrorists,” Shadegg said. “I do not believe that they are entitled to the protection that criminals in the United States, or accused criminals in the United States, are afforded under our Constitution.”

Shadegg’s bill, which was co-sponsored by 29 other Republicans, was referred to the House Subcommittee on Immigration, Citizenship, Refugees, Border Security, and International Law in March.

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the self-proclaimed Sept. 11 mastermind, shown shortly after his capture in Pakistan in this March 1, 2003 photo. He and four other Guantanamo Bay detainees will be sent to New York to face trial in a civilian federal court. (AP File Photo)

House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) also condemned the Obama administration’s decision to bring terror suspects to the United States, calling it “irresponsible,” and saying it “puts the interests of liberal special interest groups before the safety and security of the American people.”

Back in May, Boehner introduced H.R. 2294, the Keep Terrorists Out of America Act.

“This bill has a straightforward but vital purpose: to ensure that the terrorists held in the Guantanamo Bay prison are not imported into the United States,” Boehner said when he introduced the legislation. “The world did not suddenly become safe in January 2009.

“There are still terrorists around the world who are committed to killing Americans and destroying our way of life, and some of those terrorists are being held at the Guantanamo Bay prison right now,” Boehner said. “I have urged the Administration to finally present to the American people its plan for what to do with the terrorists held at Guantanamo and for confronting and defeating the global terrorist threat.”

“This Administration has refused to present such a plan, and today’s decision further reinforces the fact that it continues to put the interests of liberal special interest groups before the safety and security of the American people,” Boehner said.

Boehner’s bill, which had 169 Republican co-sponsors, including Shadegg, was referred to the House Committee on Armed Services the same month it was introduced.

Democratic leaders did not allow either bill to come to the House floor for debate.

Does ACORN trail lead to White House?

Chad Groening - OneNewsNow


An Iowa congressman is questioning the timing of the sudden resignation of a controversial Obama administration official, whose husband has had close ties to ACORN and has recently been named President Obama's White House counsel.

In serving as White House communications director, Anita Dunn had created a stir when she told school children earlier this year that Chinese Communist leader Mao Tse Tung was one of the people she admired the most. She also launched a public attack against the Fox News Channel for its reporting on the ACORN prostitution scandal.

Congressman Steve King (R-Iowa) thinks it is curious that Dunn abruptly resigned from her White House post, just four days after Louisiana Attorney General Buddy Caldwell raided ACORN's national office, seizing paper records and computer hard drives.

He says Dunn's husband, Robert Bauer, has been a staunch defender of ACORN.

"During the McCain campaign in the fall of 2008, he wrote a letter to the Justice Department defending ACORN and recommending that they not investigate ACORN -- [arguing] that ACORN's alleged transgressions were simply a political product of Republicans," says the Iowa lawmaker.

King believes Bauer's letter was a contributing factor in convincing the Justice Department not to investigate ACORN. But he says with the Louisiana attorney general's action, the administration appears to be in damage-control mode.

"Are they trying to cover up a trail? Are they severing ties? Is the investigation [of ACORN] in Louisiana...going to lead all the way up through Robert Bauer and perhaps his wife in the White House?" King wonders. "Because I believe the ACORN ties do go right to the White House in multiple ways."

King believes that as the newly named White House counsel, Bauer will be in a position to help President Obama erase his ties to ACORN.

Who is Behind the “Media Reform” Movement? (Part One)

AIM Column | By Cliff Kincaid


In response to an inquiry from Accuracy in Media, McChesney couldn’t name one conservative who has been on his show since it was launched in 2002.

Robert W. McChesney, the socialist professor whose Free Press organization is leading the charge for the $50 billion "progressive" transformation of the media, hosts a one-sided, tax-supported radio program sponsored by the University of Illinois that could serve as a model for the "New Public Media" the group has envisioned for America.

As Accuracy in Media was the first to disclose, McChesney recently introduced Obama's anti-American pastor Jeremiah Wright at a celebration of the socialist publication Monthly Review. Wright praised Marxism and called America "land of the greed and home of the slave."

As AIM has documented, McChesney's organization, Free Press, has led the campaign for what it calls "New Public Media." McChesney's "Media Matters" show on WILL radio AM 580 in Urbana, Illinois, may be the model for what Free Press has in mind. The Sunday show is an examination of politics and media issues from a hard-left perspective and serves as a personal propaganda vehicle for McChesney's favorite political causes and candidates.

In response to an inquiry from Accuracy in Media, McChesney couldn't name one conservative who has been on his show since it was launched in 2002.

"There is no shortage of 'conservative' talk available to listeners in our community," he told us, presumably referring to other stations. "There are precious few programs anywhere on the dial that feature many of the guests we have."

This may indeed be true. A review of the archives of the McChesney radio show finds interviews with a steady stream of left-wing activists, many of them from the "media reform" movement that McChesney has dedicated much of his academic life to creating and nurturing. These include John Nichols, Ben Scott, Josh Silver, Derek Turner, and Craig Aaron from Free Press, which McChesney co-founded in 2002. (He still serves on its board.) Interestingly, Scott was one of McChesney's students and helped produce his radio show before going to work for then-Rep. Bernie Sanders, a self-declared socialist, and then becoming director of policy for Free Press.

McChesney has provided a platform for representatives of the left-wing media watchdog organization that also calls itself Media Matters. Topics have included "How hate talk radicalized the American right," "How the press rolled over for Bush," and "What liberal media?" The entire thrust of the program is that the media are too conservative and too "capitalist."

McChesney has also interviewed FCC commissioner Michael Copps a number of times on his show. Copps appeared at the 2008 Free Press conference and used the Obama campaign slogan, "Yes, we can," as he urged the thousands of "progressives" in the audience to elect Barack Obama and bring "change" to Washington, D.C.

No Fairness or Balance Here

The one-sided nature of the show is ironic since Free Press regularly attacks Fox News for not being truly "fair and balanced." Indeed, when one of its former board members, Van Jones, was being exposed on Fox News for his communist views and background, Free Press said this "visionary and principled" leader was the target of a "smear campaign." Later, after Jones was ousted from his White House job, Craig Aaron of Free Press said that Glenn Beck, who had been exposing Jones, was an agent of "fear and misinformation," without explaining what facts about Jones had been misrepresented.

WILL Radio AM 580, affiliated with National Public Radio and sponsored by the University of Illinois, received $1.2 million from the University of Illinois and almost $1.6 million in federal grants, including from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB), in 2008.

Under the law, 47 U.S. Code, Section 396(g)(1)(A), programs funded by the CPB are supposed to be objective and balanced. But McChesney openly flouts the law and does not even seem to be familiar with the legal obligations that are supposed to apply to his show and others.

McChesney told AIM that his program "is very popular in our community" and that "The free market has spoken." But his show is not dependent on the free market. Rather, it is supported by tax dollars and on-air fundraisers hosted by McChesney and guests such as Noam Chomsky of the Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism, a Communist Party spin-off.

New Socialist Media

While the McChesney show has a very small listening audience, its format and themes may give us some insight into the kind of "new media" we could expect from passage of the $50 billion "Public Media Trust Fund," a Free Press proposal which is supposed to be financed by a tax on home electronic devices. This would be on top of the $8 billion from taxpayers that has been provided to the CPB for public TV and radio since 1967. (The CPB currently receives about $400 million a year.)

In addition to these expenditures, AIM has noted that $7.2 billion under the Obama federal "stimulus" plan has already been allocated toward development of a national broadband Internet plan, and that some of the funds could be diverted into the coffers of "progressive" groups dedicated to McChesney-style "media reform."

"The e-mail Bag"

Coming Winter

It's late fall and the Indians on a remote reservation in South Dakota asked their new chief if the coming winter was going to be cold or mild.

Since he was a chief in a modern society, he had never been taught the old secrets. When he looked at the sky, he couldn't tell what the winter was going to be like.

Nevertheless, to be on the safe side, he told his tribe that the winter was indeed going to be cold and that the members of the village should collect firewood to be prepared..

But, being a practical leader, after several days, he got an idea He went to the phone booth, called the National Weather Service and asked, 'Is the coming winter going to be cold?'

'It looks like this winter is going to be quite cold,' the meteorologist at the weather service responded.

So the chief went back to his people and told them to collect even more firewood in order to be prepared.

A week later, he called the National Weather Service again. 'Does it still look like it is going to be a very cold winter?'

'Yes,' the man at National Weather Service again replied, 'it's going to be a very cold winter.'

The chief again went back to his people and ordered them to collect every scrap of firewood they could find.

Two weeks later, the chief called the National Weather Service again. 'Are you absolutely sure that the winter is going to be very cold?'

'Absolutely,' the man replied. 'It's looking more and more like it is going to be one of the coldest winters we've ever seen.'

'How can you be so sure?' the chief asked.

The weatherman replied, 'The Indians are collecting firewood like crazy.'

Remember this whenever you get advice from a government official!

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